Book of Shadows
Male Names


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Silver Branch Graphics

These are in no particular order.
*Adrian (aid-REE-in) - Dark One
*Braeden (BRAY-den) - From the Dark Valley
*Taman (Tah-MAN)- Dark, Black
*Lucian (LU-shen) - Man of Light
*Aidan (ai-DEN)- Fire
*Josiah (JOE-sia) - Fire of the Lord
*Damek (DAHM-ek) - Earth
*Dmitri (duh-MEE-tree)- Lover of the Earth
*Connor (CON-or)- Wolf Lover
*Lobo (low-bo) - Wolf
*Cyrus (sy-RUS) - The Sun
*Kenn (KEN) - Clear Water
*Nen (NEN) - Ancient Waters

Please remember that the names here are not my creation. The graphic that is seen above was made at Silver Branch Graphics, and can be found at this address: