Book of Shadows
Goddess Invocations


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So far I've only go three, but I hope that you enjoy them and use them well.
Crescent One of the starry skies,
Flowered One of the fertile plain,
Flowing One of the ocean's sighs,
Blessed One of the gentle rain;
Hear my chant 'midst the standing stones,
Open me to your mystic light;
Waken me with your silver tones,
Be with me in my sacred rite!
Hail, fair Moon,
Ruler of the night;
Guard me and mine,
Until the light.
Gracious Goddess,
You who are the Queen of the Gods,
The lamp of night,
The creator of all that is wild and free;
Mother of woman and man;
Lover of the Horned God and the Protectress of the Wicca,
Descend, I pray,
With your lunar ray of power
Upon my circle here!